When They Love You, Then Leave You
“The Orange Show”, an eclectic, and colorful, mini amusement park, tucked away in a working-class neighborhood of Houston’s East side, at its opening in 1979, was predicted by its creator Jeff McKissack, to be a rival tourist attraction that would draw thousands to its door. Built using b.r.o.k.e.n & d.i.s.c.a.r.d.e.d materials from scrap yards and demolition sites, his vision was to create a monument that paid homage to health and good living, using the vitamin-C packed orange as its muse. However, despite the twenty years he spent constructing the theme park, to his disappointment, the crowds never came. And a few months after its grand opening, Jeff McKissack, would pass away, l.e.a.v.i.n.g the bright f.u.t.u.r.e of his beloved “The Orange Show”, bleak and darkened by the abandonment of his demise. And as a result, the creative structure that was so carefully wrought, would sit d.e.s.e.r.t.e.d & its purpose postponed, like a life-long dream deferred. Its value now uncertain because its visionary was gone – the one who had conceptualized its design with intricate fashion and birthed it into existence – has unintentionally withdrawn his c.a.r.e before his infantile creation could stand on its own. And now, if “The Orange Show” was ever to become all that it was intended to be, it would desperately need someone to come along, and seeing its v.i.r.t.u.e, show it “l.o.v.e” & give it restoration.
The dramatic story of this amusement park b.e.a.r.s many similarities to relationships. It bears many similarities to individuals, including myself, that have experienced the loneliness of emotional abandonment or w.r.e.s.t.l.e.d with the unhealed scars of physical abandonment, that now with h.o.p.e that has been abated, sit desperately longing to be r.e.s.t.o.r.e.d by someone who sees my tHEiR v.a.l.u.e. By someone, whose genuine care, might give them the strength to s.t.a.n.d in their purpose. By someone – who simply loves them.
In the real estate world, finding abandoned property to restore is a niche not easily mastered. And as hard as it is to find abandoned property in the saturated investment world of fixing and flipping, how disappointed I have been, when I come across one where a botched restoration was done. Leaving me to question if the property was more valuable d.e.s.e.r.t.e.d, then it is half-ass restored? And as I walked the boundary of such property, curious of its history, I quietly wondered what led up to the events of its owner walking out and leaving it to sit unloved & n.e.g.l.e.c.t.e.d? Observantly, noticing the original details of its frame, that would have preserved its appearance, had someone cared enough to pay attention to it…
the ingrained f.l.a.w.s that deepened her its b.e.a.u.t.y
the natural-g.l.o.w.ing l.i.g.h.t that contoured its her charm
the distinct f.e.a.t.u.r.es that highlighted her its c.h.a.r.a.c.t.e.r
the spiritual solid foundation that strengthened her core
But instead, the affections that made this home rare, were dismissed as insignificant qualities that had no virtue. And for a moment, as I stood there, allowing my mind to r.e.f.l.e.c.t on my own feelings of desertion in a marriage relationship – void of love – that despite possessing – what I felt were unicorn q.u.a.l.i.t.i.e.s – in the eyes of the beholder, were r.e.j.e.c.t.e.d as having little value. The unusual juxtaposition of people & property by a simple act of l.o.v.e & care that can affect the trajectory of their existence for the better, is uncanny. But feeling a.b.a.n.d.o.n.e.d negates those acts & can leave both e.x.p.o.s.e.d to the unsavory elements that may choose to squat uninvited in tHEiR desertion.
When You Have Abandonment Issues
In a city as big as Houston, it is not uncommon to see deserted buildings tucked in the pockets of humming communities.
Uns.e.c.u.r.e.d, these buildings are repeatedly damaged by adolescent roguery.
Unoccupied, tHEiR b.o.u.n.d.a.r.i.e.s violated by the misdeeds of those that might t.r.a.n.s.g.r.e.s.s against it.
Unable to p.r.o.t.e.c.t itself, sHE is often an unwilling participant in H.E.R. own abuse misuse.
And Unnoticed, the vile mistreatment leaves her cheapened and lacking e.s.t.e.e.m.
Now an unattractive eyesore to those around it, it’s not hard to understand why one might question its v.a.l.u.e;
Concluding that the restoration needed might not be w.o.r.t.h the effort.
Settled in their thinking that she’s its d.a.m.a.g.e.d beyond repair.
Unwilling to see the promising potential of her its existence.
And such are the i.n.t.e.r.n.a.l convictions of so many s.o.u.l.s held hostage by their past hurt & abuse. Their feelings of abandonment by those en.t.r.u.s.t.ed to care for them, v.a.l.i.d, leaving them dejected & d.o.u.b.t.ing their w.o.r.t.h.
From a young child whose inability to understand a parent’s absence throughout their formative years, and how the un.h.e.a.l.ed trauma from the p.a.i.n of undeserved desertion would s.h.a.p.e their l.o.v.e language into adulthood, using F.E.A.R, JEALOUSY, & INSECURITY as its driver.
To the n.e.g.l.e.c.t.e.d youth paralyzed by the s.h.a.m.e.ful scars of emotional, physical and sexual a.b.u.s.e, at the hand of a depraved vandal – that would dare d.e.f.a.c.e valuable property b.e.l.o.n.g.ing to its Creator – mercilessly stealing s.t.i.l.l.ing the voice of its victim.
And on to the one whose h.u.r.t.ful experience with blatant emotional abandonment from a self-absorbed husband significant other, during one of the most painful, embarrassing, frightening, debilitating & traumatic times in my her life, that would e.r.o.d.e HER self-esteem, leaving me her i.n.s.e.c.u.r.e, undesired & completely discarded.
These are a few of the heartbreaking tales of those that understand what it’s like to be f.o.r.s.a.k.e.n by someone that should have loved & cared about them. Though each story is inherently different, the aftermath of their grievous experience unites them in their longing to be v.a.l.u.e.d – and in their d.e.s.i.r.e to be considered as more than just d.a.m.a.g.e.d goods by those that might look down upon them with appraisement – but instead with a deep c.o.m.p.a.s.s.i.o.n, and an aching to see them wholly restored to the climax of their potential.
When You Can’t See That You’re Worth Saving
Her name was Marilyn Oshman. After the death of Jeff McKissack, this Houston arts patron would form a non-profit foundation along with 21 diverse and well-known members of the community that – with the collective belief that the amusement park was worth saving – would purchase “The Orange Show” from the McKissack family in a sincere effort to preserve the monument, in order that its purpose be fulfilled. It would take two years for this s.p.e.c.i.a.l group of r.e.d.e.e.m.e.r.s to restore the deteriorated amusement park…
reviving its wearied b.e.a.u.t.y
r.e.p.a.i.r.ing delicately its brokenness
renewing the h.o.p.e of its existence
regenerating its strength to p.r.e.v.a.i.l
r.e.s.t.o.r.i.n.g its value
rebuilding its self-e.s.t.e.e.m
reigniting its p.u.r.p.o.s.e
And in 1982, the restored amusement park would re-open, with a new determination that would blend the d.i.s.c.a.r.d.e.d, albeit useful p.i.e.c.e.s of its p.a.s.t into the refined brilliance of its future. Adding to its original plan a vast number of programs that would promote cultural awareness & enrichment through tangible art forms. The careful repurposing of “The Orange Show” by a group of individuals that could see past its b.r.o.k.e.n beginning, through the lens of the disappointing distress of its desertion, to the brilliant diamond uncovered out of the rough of its environment – giving the monument encouragement for a brighter future and f.a.i.t.h for a better tomorrow – I hope, in some way, will s.p.e.a.k to the unhealed parts of so many women individuals, that due to their own feelings of abandonment, are struggling to see their w.o.r.t.h. With their own appraising eyes, they have incorrectly discounted the patches of mending placed over the holes of
rejection, d.o.u.b.t, shame, f.e.a.r and betrayal
as irreparable d.a.m.a.g.e, instead of w.o.u.n.d.s on the verge of healing. Like the abandoned building that was created for a purpose & situated on a bustling street yet is seemingly i.n.v.i.s.i.b.l.e to the passerby’s unwilling to notice that it still exists, is the one who sits alone in their own existence, feeling d.e.s.e.r.t.e.d & r.e.j.e.c.t.e.d by someone they hoped would l.o.v.e them in such a way that they might see their own v.a.l.u.e reflected through the eyes of their r.e.d.e.e.m.e.r. So, they wait in vain with great expectation for the scales to fall off the eyes of the one they thought would see them, attaching tHEiR value to his v.i.s.i.o.n, only to be disappointed by HIS blindness. However, if the inanimate “The Orange Show” had been capable of choosing the successor that would see its w.o.r.t.h after it had been abandoned, then its complete restoration might not have come through the g.e.n.u.i.n.e hearts of the collective souls that would lovingly pull-out its potential and unearth its b.e.a.u.t.y, because their vision was crystal clear. And tHEy could see what others could not without EVER being asked to do so.
When You Have Been Redeemed
For me, there lied a parable in the history of “The Orange Show”. One that salted my deepest w.o.u.n.d.s by exposing the painful parts of my p.a.s.t that often left my emotions & my good judgement awry…
The times that I felt a.b.a.n.d.o.n.e.d without warning.
And in that abandonment trying to choose someone else that would see the value in ME when they simply could not.
And in his unwillingness to see my v.a.l.u.e, I would negate my very own.
Accepting his impaired v.i.s.i.o.n as truth that I was in-fact unworthy.
But parables are intended to tell a story with an underlying lesson that speaks to the deepest parts of our core. And if I could extract the moral of “The Orange Show” story and apply it to my own life, I find that much like the vitamin-C packed orange itself, its message is healing…
I learned that my created existence is not based on the a.p.p.r.o.v.a.l of anyone else other than “The One” that created me.
I learned that when someone E.X.I.T.S your life, their absence does not STOP your p.u.r.p.o.s.e.
I learned that feeling a.b.a.n.d.o.n.e.d does not mean that you are f.o.r.s.a.k.e.n.
I learned that b.r.o.k.e.n people can never aide in your healing, BUT can only add to your brokenness causing you further d.a.m.a.g.e.
And I learned that r.e.s.t.o.r.a.t.i.o.n comes in the unlikeliest of forms. It is seldom from the @ss-hole you h.o.p.e.d & prayed for years, would see your w.o.r.t.h…
But instead, it comes from that s.p.e.c.i.a.l redeemer, who JUST F*CKING SAW IT, without EVER being asked to do so. ?
Dedicated to every soul that continues to live with the pain of being abandoned. May your potential be realized. Your worth restored. And your broken heart repaired by your wonderful Redeemer.?
To Visit or to Learn More about “The Orange Show” click here.